Mastering Artificial Grass Maintenance.

Artificial grass is a durable, aesthetic, and eco-friendly alternative to natural grass. However, it still requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best.

In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to mastering artificial grass maintenance and keeping it in top-notch condition.


Understanding the Importance of Regular Maintenance

So you’ve recently installed artificial turf or you might be deciding on investing in artificial turf, but word on the street is that artificial grass doesn’t need a lot of maintenance.

Well, did you know that regular maintenance of your artificial grass has many perks, such as:

  • Extends Lifespan: Proper care can significantly extend the lifespan of your artificial turf, making it a worthy investment.
  • Maintains Aesthetics and Functionality: Regular cleaning and brushing help maintain the vibrant color and natural look of the turf
  • Ensures Safety and Hygiene: Regular maintenance helps to keep your artificial grass free from bacteria and fungus, ensuring a safe environment for your family and pets


Essential Tools for Artificial Grass Maintenance

Mastering artificial grass maintenance in Colorado is easy with some essential artificial grass cleaning tools.:

  • Brushes and Rakes: A soft-bristle brush for artificial grass or a non-metal rake is crucial for keeping the artificial turf fibers upright and bouncy. Regular brushing or raking also helps distribute the infill evenly.

Use an artificial grass brush power broom to rejuvenate high traffic areas where the grass has been flattened.


  • Leaf Blowers: Leaf blowers are helpful tools for artificial grass maintenance, especially during Colorado’s fall season. They can effectively remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from your lawn without damaging the grass blades.

A leaf blower can be used to clean up the lawn after a windy day, ensuring your artificial grass stays clean and green.


  • Hose and Watering System: Even though artificial grass doesn’t require watering to stay green, a good hose and watering system helps keep your turf clean. Washing your grass occasionally helps remove dust and pollen, keeping allergies at bay, and watering in the hotter months can also help to cool down your artificial turf.

On a hot Colorado summer day, a quick hose down can reduce the temperature of your artificial grass, making it more comfortable to walk on.



Routine Cleaning of Artificial Grass

Maintaining the beauty of artificial grass is easier than you may think, so here are a few simple cleaning tips that can help you maintain your turf:

Removing Debris

  • Regularly sweep or use a leaf blower to clear leaves, twigs, and other debris off the turf.
  • If you’re dealing with Colorado’s fall foliage, a rake can be more effective.
  • For stubborn, stuck-on debris, a plastic bristle brush can do the trick.

Washing the Grass

  • Simply hosing down the grass once a week can help remove dust or pollen.
  • During Colorado’s dry months, more frequent washing may be required to remove dust and keep your lawn looking fresh.

Avoid using high-pressure water jets as they can damage the grass fibers.


Dealing with Stains and Spills

  • Cleaning artificial grass with vinegar or a mixture of mild detergent and water will help clean most spills.
  • For tougher stains, such as oil or paint, a specialized artificial grass cleaner may be needed.
  • Always rinse thoroughly after treating stains to prevent residue buildup.

Pet Waste Management

  • Solid waste should be picked up regularly and the area rinsed with water.
  • Use a pet-friendly, enzyme-based cleaner to remove any lingering odors or bacteria.

In pet-friendly homes in Colorado, keeping your artificial grass clean can ensure a hygienic play area for your pets.



Special Maintenance Considerations for Colorado’s Climate

Living in Colorado, it’s necessary to consider a few special maintenance tasks to keep your artificial turf in top shape.

Let’s look at some special considerations that will ensure your lawn stays beautiful and functional year-round:

Handling Snow and Ice on Artificial Grass

  • Avoid manual removal: Artificial grass fibers are resilient but can become brittle in extreme cold, so avoid manually removing snow or ice to prevent damaging the blades.
  • Use calcium chloride: Safely melt ice without harming your artificial grass by using calcium chloride, and avoid rock salt as it can cause discoloration.
  • Rely on sunlight: Colorado’s high-altitude sun can help melt snow and ice naturally. This is a safe, non-damaging method of snow and ice removal.

After a heavy snowstorm, allow the sun to naturally melt the snow. If any ice patches form, sprinkle a small amount of calcium chloride to speed up the melting process.


Protecting Artificial Grass from High Altitude Sun Exposure

  • UV-protected turf: Always use UV-protected artificial grass as the high-altitude sun in Colorado can cause unprotected turf to fade.
  • Regularly rinse: Regularly rinse your artificial grass with water to reduce heat absorption and cool down the surface temperature.
  • Deodorize: Use a turf deodorizer to prevent any potential smell caused by the heat.
  • Consider infill: Some types of infill can help protect your artificial grass from the effects of high-altitude sun exposure.

During a hot summer, schedule a weekly rinse of your artificial grass to cool the surface and keep it looking fresh. Ensure your turf is UV-protected to prevent fading from the intense sunlight.



Professional Maintenance Services for Artificial Grass in Colorado

When choosing a reliable artificial grass cleaning and maintenance service provider, look for a provider with extensive experience and a range of services offered in artificial grass maintenance, and check out reviews from other customers.


When to Call in the Professionals

  • Seam repair: Over time, the seams between the artificial grass panels may become loose or damaged. A professional can ensure these are repaired correctly.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing: Depending on the amount of traffic your artificial grass receives, you may need professional cleaning and sanitizing services to keep the surface safe and appealing.
  • Re-sanding: The sand infill in artificial grass can get displaced over time. Professionals can perform re-sanding to keep the grass standing upright and looking fresh.
  • Winter damage: Colorado’s harsh winters can potentially damage your artificial grass. If you notice any issues after the winter season, call a professional to assess and fix the problem.
  • Annual Maintenance: Even without visible issues, it’s advisable to have your artificial grass inspected and serviced by professionals annually. This helps in the early detection of potential issues and their immediate resolution.
FAQ on artificial turf

Frequently Asked Questions About Artificial Grass Maintenance


Can I use a regular vacuum cleaner on artificial grass?

While it may seem tempting, using a regular vacuum cleaner on artificial grass is not recommended. This is because regular vacuums can damage the grass blades. and they can’t efficiently pick up larger debris.


How does one handle heavy rainfall on artificial grass?

In Colorado, sudden heavy rainfalls can be a challenge. However, artificial grass handles it well because it’s designed with a drainage system that can handle large amounts of water. You can use a soft brush to remove excess water if pooling occurs.

Remember, always brush in the direction of the grass blades to avoid damage.


How to prevent burning or melting artificial turf?

Artificial grass melting can be an issue, and the best way to prevent burning or melting is to ensure that you install turf with a high melting point. Using window film on nearby windows to reduce reflection, avoiding placing hot items directly on the artificial grass, and keeping BBQs and fire pits at a safe distance from your turf will help prevent damage from heat or fire.


Do pile height and material affect how often cleaning and maintenance are required?

Yes, taller pile heights can trap more dirt and may require more frequent cleaning. Artificial turf material also matters as polypropylene turf can be less resilient and may need more regular maintenance than polyethylene or nylon turf.

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Maximize Your Artificial Grass Investment With Maintenance

Give us a call or fill in the easy-to-use online form for expert advice on choosing the best artificial turf and mastering artificial grass maintenance.



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